About OfficePros

OfficePros is the fusion of great people, innovative technology and a culture that engages our staff and promotes personal and professional growth.

In 2010, OfficePros identified the Philippines as an emerging market for outsourcing services and expanded operations to the region, commencing with a small team of only seven staff. As a result of the successful expansion, the company was able to extend its service offerings and workforce.

Because of the wealth of local talent and strong, experienced management, the company has continued to enjoy remarkable growth in all areas of its business year on year.

Today, OfficePros employs over 2500 staff and contractors across 6 different locations and is growing at an average rate of 7.5% per month.

Our Process

How We Work

  • 1

    Choose a Service

  • 2

    Request a Meeting

  • 3

    Receive Custom Plan

  • 4

    Make It Happen!

Why Choose Us

We Provide Outsourced IT Services
For your business

Outsourcing The Right Way

From the very start, we knew that the traditional model for outsourcing did not suit the vision we had for our business.

A clear decision was made that we would not compromise our values for profits. Our clients and our staff are our number one priority. We adhere to a strict Code of Ethics and Behavior that ensures we deliver working conditions that meet (or exceed) western standards, comply with all local labor and tax laws, provide a safe and healthy work environment for our staff and support for their families and the community.

We have many years of experience in this industry and have seen the good and the bad in the way companies deal with their clients and staff – and we wanted to do better.