Great customer service is vital to all businesses, big or small. Great customer service will help grow your company, attract new customers and keep your existing ones. Great customer service does not need to cost you the earth!

OfficePros can provide skilled customer service agents who will work with your existing staff to help with a wide variety of tasks including customer experience, issue resolution and business development.

The cost of customer service.

The quality of your customer service is the factor most likely to determine if your customers will choose your services again or recommend you to their associates. Many companies think they can’t afford the resources they need to provide great customer service, but they fail to take into account the recurring value of customer retention and referrals. OfficePros has customer-focused staff who will complement your existing sales and retention processes.

Core Capabilities

  • Customer experience
  • Customer liaison
  • Lead generation
  • Phone support
  • Business development
  • CRM management
  • Projections and forecasts
  • Sales support
  • Customer retention
  • Market research
  • Issue resolution
  • Market research
  • Calendar management
  • Reporting

Next steps

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OfficePros innovation is a game changer. We provide a suite of tools, applications and processes that can dramatically increase visibility, efficiency and communication.

Service Overview

Service Overview

Find out more about OfficePros outsourcing in detail. Learn about our service offering, inclusions and pricing.